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Work set by Mrs Jenkins and Mr Cole – 27th April

Home Learning Week 2

Hi everyone, hope you are all okay and are keeping safe.  Well done to everyone who completed the work last week.  You did a fab job and thank you to parents  as we know its a busy and stressful time for you.  Here are some activities for you to do at home this week.

Jack and the Beanstalk 


Question time!
  1. Has the giant seen Jack?
  2. How might Jack feel at this moment?
  3. Would you rather be the giant or Jack?
  4. Would you rather be a giant in a land of humans, or a human in a land of giants?
  5. What/who else lives in the land of the giants?
  6. Why do giants live apart from humans?


 Please answer the questions again through your HWB account using your login and password details. 

Then click the Just2easy tab,             and then click the JIT5 tab        and use Write.  Don’t forget to save your work. 



Reception children can answer the questions using the audio tab to answer the questions orally.   



Jack and the Beanstalk  Story

Listen to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk 

You can also read the e book at home with your child – Jack and the Beanstalk Storybook


Sentence Challenge

‘Big’ and ‘small’ are adjectives to describe the Giant and Jack. Can you think of some other words to describe them? Once you have thought of some words can you write a sentence to describe Jack or the giant.

Year 1 and 2 – use some similes to describe Jack and the Giant.  e.g. The giant’s voice is as loud as a thunder.  Jack was as skinny as a rake.



Draw a picture in Paint Can you draw a picture of a room inside the giant’s house?

You could draw Jack in the room to put everything into perspective..  (Don’t forget to save your work) 


 Indoor Learning

Choose a room in your  house and estimate (guess) how long or wide it is?  Once you have estimated you need to measure the room.

Reception -Measure using non standard units e.g. your feet or your hands its completely up to which one you choose.

Year 1 and 2 – Measure using standard units e.g. in cm or metres.    

Also look at items in the room and compare which is the biggest item, smallest item, shortest item and tallest item.   


Plant a seed in the garden or in a pot and see if you can grow a flower or plant while we are off like Jack’s beanstalk.  You can then measure it and bring a photograph in to school when we are back.  The winner with the biggest plant/flower will have a prize.



 Problem Solving


Below are  4 sets of money problems. Can you help Jack to solve them?

You can do all four sets or 3 sets or 2 sets or choose one which you feel most comfortable with.

Its up to you? Just have a go.


Help Jack solve the problems-to-5

 Help Jack solve problems-to-10

 Help Jack solve problems to 20

Help Jack Solve problems to £1


Draw or write your answers in ‘Write’ or ‘Paint’ in J2E.   Don’t forget to save your work. 



You could also make your own shop in the house.  You could choose some items from your house.  Label the items with prices or write a price list.

Ask people living in your house to come to your shop and buy items. Add up how much they spend and work out what change they need.  You could use real money and take a photograph of your shop and upload it to HWB.



Don’t forget it’s important to keep up your reading practise at home.  Oxford Owls id a fantastic website which has over 100 e-books if you want to read something different .


You could upload a video of you reading a favourite story to Hwb or read the story and record it using the audio tab .  It would be lovely to hear you reading.




J2blast is another of Hwb great resources where you are able to practise your spelling in Spell Blast, arithmetic in Sats Blast KS1 and your Times Tables on TTblast.

Just click the Just2easy tab     Then  click     and you will then see the image below and you can click on the different games.


 Daily Do’s – 

The Play phonics homework journal’ is your child’s regular opportunity to practise their letter sounds, formation of letters and spelling of phonetically regular words, or ‘tricky words’ which they learn through memory and repetition. 

 It is also important to keep reading with your child and continue to discuss the context of the book and ask and answer related questions. All FP children can also access online rapid phonics books (which are also used in school), to continually support your child’s reading development. 


Number skills are important to consolidate and in addition to using hwb and there are a number of fun games and activities you can do at home (you are already probably playing these and others with your child) 

e.g Snakes and Ladders, Ludo and any games which involves counting and recognising numbers 

– singing times tables songs,

– recognising numbers on books, counting characters, ’eye spy’ 

– to read the clock and use money at home, 

– to practise mental addition and subtraction at home e.g. ‘fastest gun’ 

Important Websites

HWB – 

Pearson online (abacus Maths and rapid phonic reading books) – 

These are the two online primary websites which are used by Godre’rgraig class teachers and children. These are the most effective for your child’s learning and will be linked to their age and ability. Your children will be familiar with these and the majority will be able to use independently after the initial set-up. 

Children will need passwords and username details which were sent via schoop on March 20th. 


Hope you enjoy and if you need any help please feel free to contact us by email  –

Mrs Jenkins –
Mr Cole –

 Thank you for working so hard at home, thank you to grownups too as we know how busy you are.

Mrs Jenkins and Mr Cole xx