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Year 5 / Year 6


This week, year 5/6 have been looking at story mountains in Literacy. We are reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a class and identified the beginning, build up, climax, resolution and ending of this story. Year 5/6 will then go on to creating a story mountain for their own stories, which they will begin to write next week! 

In maths, Year 5/6 have been looking at converting measure. They have created their own ‘information sheet’ to look back on to help them with measurement. Year 5/6 have also had lots of fun taking their learning outside by measuring wands they have found around the school. 

The children have also been working hard during their lunch time by running their Fundraising Shop. The children have been selling cakes, raffles, St Dwynwen’s chocolates, bracelets and potion drinks to help raise money for the bus for our residential trip. Gwaith bendigedig pawb!