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Work set by Mrs Sweeney – July 13th

Home Learning Week 12

BBC Bitesize is also a fab site to keep an eye on, as they offer new learning and lessons each day for different year groups.


The children this week in school have been using Splat Square. Some wanted to use it at home!  splat 100 square


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the last week of term. What a strange time it has been for us all.

I hope you are keeping well and staying safe.

Here is this week’s learning.


This is a painting painted by a Welsh artist called Rhiannon Roberts. She has given the painting the title of Crazy Cardiff! She likes to mix reality and with fantasy and use both in her paintings. She loves vibrant bright colours and her work looks almost childlike.

What do you think?

Here is another painting painted by another female Welsh artist. The artists name is Helen Elliot. She is very interested in the environment and loves to paint the sea. The painting is titled Three Ships in Tresaith. Tresaith is a place in West Wales.

Have a good look at the two paintings and then answer the questions.

  1. Think of 2 similarities that the two paintings have in them.
  2. The first painting has some buildings and landmarks that are in Cardiff.

Name 3 of them.

  1. In the first painting the artist has painted some music notes. Why do you think she did this?
  2. In the centre of the first painting there is a building with Welsh words on it.

What is the name of that famous building?

  1. How many daffodils are there in the first painting?
  2. Look at the second painting and count the number of people in the painting. How many?
  3. Give the dog a name in the second painting.
  4. Do you think the artist in the second painting likes the number 3? Why?
  5. What titles would you give both paintings?
  6. Which of the two paintings do you prefer and why?


This week there are some time problems for you to work out.

This week in school we reminded ourselves about looking at a hundred square and how to count on and back in tens QUICKLY!


Think about when we talk about how numbers are made up PLACE VALUE.

How many lots of thousand, hundred, tens and ones (units)


1,142 – 1 thousand, 1 hundred, 4 ten’s and 2 units

3,557 – 3 thousands 5 hundreds, 5 ten’s and 7 units


The answer is 10. What is the question?

The answer is 20. What is the question?

The answer is 25. What is the question?


10 x ? = 20                           8 x ? = 16                    5 x ? = 10                4 x ? = 8


10 x ? = 50                           5 x ? = 25                    3 x ? = 15                6 x ? = 30


2 x ? =6                                4 x ? = 16                    7 x ? = 21                9 x ? = 27


? x 2 = 12                             ? x 3 = 30                    ? x 5 = 35                ? x 10 = 50



Have a great summer holiday everyone!